Dr Philip Cumpston

M.B.B.S. (SYD), F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.C.I.C.M., F.F.A.C.E.M., MSc (IT)

Visiting Senior Specialist Anaesthetist

Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland

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There will be a separate fee from hospital and surgery fees and is for the anaesthetic services provided to you during surgery.

You should be aware that Medicare and health fund rebates may not cover the entire cost of your anaesthesia. This difference between what is covered and the actual fee for the anaesthesia services is known as the "gap" and will be your personal responsibility to pay. Whether there will be a gap and the size of the gap varies greatly depending on your health fund. It is also usual for the gap to be larger when the surgery is of long duration.

Wherever possible you will be provided with an estimate of your anaesthesia fees prior to your procedure, as well as providing you with other useful information such as Medicare item numbers. This will allow you to enquire further from your health fund about the level of benefits available for your procedure. However if you don't know about your costs or have any enquiries relating to anaesthesia fees you should contact me before your procedure. In exceptional circumstances, a payment plan may be considered.

Please note:

It is our normal practice to send an account after the event. We do not normally require payment in advance.

There are a number of ways you can pay your account:

          Pay the invoice sent to you by the individual doctor

          Direct payment into the designated bank account by:

          electronic transfer

          payment at your bank into the designated bank account, with the aid of the bank teller.

          Cheque or Money Order obtainable at Australia Post and posted

The account details can be found on the invoice you receive for anaesthetic services provided.

If the health fund is debited directly (in the case of payments where there is no gap fee), you will not receive an invoice or receipt.

Payment of Your Account