Dr Philip Cumpston

M.B.B.S. (SYD), F.A.N.Z.C.A., F.C.I.C.M., F.F.A.C.E.M., MSc (IT)

Visiting Senior Specialist Anaesthetist

Senior Lecturer, The University of Queensland

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  •     Get a little fitter. Regular walks will work wonders.

          Stop smoking. Ideally, stop six weeks before surgery. Smoking interferes with oxygen transport to the tissues, and hence wound healing.

          Minimise alcohol consumption.

          Continue to take any drugs which have been prescribed, but remember to let your anaesthetist and surgeon know what they are.

          If you are taking aspirin, drugs for arthritis or blood thinning drugs, consult your surgeon or anaesthetist    about whether you should stop taking them prior to surgery.

          If you are taking drugs to regulate your blood sugar, contact your anaesthetist to seek advice.

                                        These are not normally taken on the day of surgery.

          If you are having a catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation, or implantation of a Watchman Device, see the page advising how best to proceed.

          If you have any kind of health problem tell your anaesthetist and surgeon so they are fully informed.

          If you are concerned about your anaesthetic, contact me before admission to hospital and get the answers you need.

          Stop taking herbal products at least two to three weeks prior to surgery. Some herbal extracts contain powerful drugs that can interact with other drugs prescribed by your doctor.

          Let me know if you use recreational drugs as these may interact with the anaesthetic.

          Tell the anaesthetist if you object to blood transfusions.

What you can do to make the experience safer: